Tuesday 9 July 2013

मी कोण..?..   WHO AM I..?..

मुख्य ब्रह्माचा निश्चयो | नाना मतांचा निश्चयो |
आपण कोण हा निश्चयो | जाणीन कैसा ||

" Who Am ' I '..?.. In Life you 'll realize that there is Purpose for Everyone you Meet..... Some will Test you.... Some will use you and some will Teach You.... But the most Important are the ones who brings out the Best in You.... Respect You & Accept You for Who You are.... Those are the Ones who show you real life and Gurubodh (Guru Dnyan Thoughts and Principles).... Life is really your own Choice.... Choose as per your inner Voice..... See yourself in one and all and In yourself see one and all.... Know that Gurubodh is Fragrance of Love and Light....

तन मन धन अर्पण करें | तजे लोक कुल लाज |
गुरु आज्ञा मस्तक धरें | शिष्य सुधारे काज ||

ॐ श्री गुरुदेव दत्त .....