Wednesday 21 November 2012

Pollution free Diwali…. Environmentally Safe Diwali….
Diwali is a day of light, dont pollute it to darkness with crackers… pollution free diwali is the best solution for clean air and green environment...
Pollution free diwali will be best, by this thing we can save money, paper & prevent noise and air pollution & instead of wasting money on fire crackers,  should donate the money in some charity…. We can celebrate it with lights… Its a festival of lights and joy…. pull out pollution this diwali burst happiness not crackers…
Know that, Fire crackers affect our environment as they create noise and air pollution… Other than that they work as torture for animals, and they feel threatened while you enjoy them…. The smoke that emerges out of these crackers also contributes to asthmatic and allergic diseases... They are dangerous as well as many of the time crackers lead to serious accidents that pose a threat to our safety….  All of us are educated, and we know the harmful effects of crackers, still we use them to enjoy our day…. 
Diwali is a festival of lights symbolizing the victory of good over evil and the glory of light…. Celebrate Diwali by spending time with family and friends... Enjoy this festival a lot…. But also know that some children are not able to enjoy this festival…. Bursting fireworks shortens the life of children working in fireworks factories... They also have the right to celebrate…. If we reduce the use of bursting crackers…, then only the children working in fireworks factories can celebrate Diwali…. They have to work day and night for making these fireworks... Therefore if we try not to burst fireworks, we can make the faces of millions like those children smile…. So, in my opinion Diwali should be celebrated, but in a different way…. Just remember that bursting Crackers spoil the nature…. Become environment-friendly this Diwali and celebrate it with lamps and lights….
Fight noise pollution…. Keep the decibels down… Diwali is about celebrating it isn`t about going deaf…. We can certainly reduce it to a large level by promising ourselves that we will celebrate this Diwali in an eco-friendly manner….  
Spend your money wisely to keep the environment green and pollution free…. Don`t contribute to smoke, make your Diwali special with sweets and other gifts…. Take a resolution on this Diwali of not bursting fire crackers and safeguarding our environment from smoke and noise pollution… From this time onwards, we will celebrate a green Diwali…. We will light up diyas, pray and visit our near and dear ones…. And later, we will feed the poor…  The best way to celebrate it is by bringing a smile on others' faces…. 
So this Diwali spread the wealth… without fire crackers whatever money left over, buy the poor kids in your block some new clothes…. Provide a meal for at least ten under-privileged children... Visit an orphanage…. Donate something to make their Diwali a better one... Diwali is all about dispelling darkness. Do what you can to dispel the darkness in people`s lives….  
Wish you all a very happy and safe Diwali…. Enjoy!!!
ॐ श्री गुरुदेव दत्त ....

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