Wednesday 9 May 2012

Thought of the day...

From our parents we learn how to walk in life…. But when we opened books we discover that we have Wings… we can Fly….. Reading Books can make a Difference in Your Life... ॐ श्री गुरुदेव दत्त ....

Cold is not the opposite of heat... And darkness is not the opposite of light… They are just the absence of heat or the absence of light… So.. Evil is not the opposite of good, but the absence of good… 

Evil is the disturbance of natural law by an agent of free will, in this case human beings… All naturally occurring things in the universe obey God's law… Only those with the capability of disobeying God's law (natural law) cause Evil…

Problems are a test for human beings to choose the right or wrong thing to so in the situation… Sure, some things that may seem to be Evil occur in Solutions… The question is: how do we react.?. The choices we make are what we will be judged upon… That’s in Geeta called Karma…ॐ श्री गुरुदेव दत्त ....

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